Displacements (Lokaal 01 FM) was a 6 month radio project 
where soundworks were broadcast anonymously 10 km around 
the art centre Lokaal 01 in Breda. 
Every two weeks I sent a new piece to be played.
These pieces ranged from field recordings made in Breda and
Antwerp to strange, intimate sounds. No texts were used.

From the proposal text for Displacements. 

A project for Lokaal 01. Breda/Antwerpen.

Lokaal 01 is an arts initiative that exists in two places at once, 
in two countries at once, with two local audiences.

Much of my work is concerned with sense-of-place, either by making 
site-specific works, or working with ideas of transference, 
of mapping one place onto another.

The project will consist of a series of displacements, 
appearing in the areas directly around the two Lokaal 01's.
FM stereo radio transmitters will broadcast sound into the homes 
and cars of people living within 10 km of the exhibition spaces. 
Each month I shall send a new work on audio CD to be broadcast 
continuously. These works will be concerned with ideas of place, 
of displacement, the separation of the two lokaals, 
their local publics in their private homes, and the spatial 
possibilities inherent in the stereo broadcast medium itself. 
The works might be made in my atelier in Den Haag, 
in Antwerp or Breda,  or while travelling a great distance away. 
What will link the series of works will be the two groups of listeners.
<BGSOUND SRC="sound/wo.mp3">
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